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Distribution Excellence Supervisor





Distribution Excellence Supervisor (Vx)-The main Job responsibilities are as below:
1) Regularly carry out business discounts and compensation settlement (including CervarixSchool project and Shingrix Institution project); Ensure the supporting documents can betracked and well archived; Coordinate with the importer to pay the AR on time and follow up
with the Finance to complete the offset, to ensure the repayment in schedule ;
2) Provide various operation data analysis reports per the business needs , such as DCDC PSI report, DCDC overdue AR analysis, monthly KPI review, monthly Veeva call report, bidding progress updated etc., Assist business head to ensure smooth vaccine supply channels, maintain vaccine inventory at a reasonable level, and support the whole vaccine products to win the bidding;
3)Cooperate with the finance and quality audit related with commercial operation and importer business compensation settlement.
4) Recently, we are assisting to carry out the Shingrix institution project. In order to fully support the implementation of the project, we need to check the supporting documents and complete
5) the settlements under the compliance requirements but still in an efficient way , Meanwhile, the Cervarix school project is on going, we need to review the documents and finish the settlement regularly.
6) In addition, the Vx DO team is about to conduct the importer selection, which requires extensive data analysis, documentation preparation, compliance/quality audit processes, close cross- functional communication and external suppliers communication to support the business head to complete the selection smoothly and time**********************


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