
作为现代婴儿配方奶发明者,惠氏享誉全球百年,致力于从健康的婴儿开始改善人类一生的健康和福祉。 秉承为应对当今世界的健康挑战寻找解决方案的承诺,惠氏营养品提供科学研制的、安全、优质的产品,满足婴幼儿及孕产妇的营养需求,致力于成为改善婴幼儿与母亲健康与福祉的行业领袖。惠氏为全球60多个国家和地区的婴幼儿提供安全、值得信赖的营养品,深受医务人员、营养专家和消费者青睐。 As the inventor of infant formula milk powder and a 100-year-old brand, Wyeth Nutrition is devoted to improving the health and welling-being of human life starting from infancy. Being committed to seeking solutions for the current health chall*******n the world, Wyeth Nutrition provides scientifically-developed, safe and high- quality products that meet the nutrient needs of babies, pregnant and postnatal women and is devoted to becoming an industry leader in health and the well-being improvement of babies and mothers. Wyeth products are sold in more than 60 countries and regions around the world and are highly recommended by health care professionals, nutritionists and consumers.



